Can automation replace research and development?

Can automation replace research and development?

Perhaps not … but it certainly can improve productivity, speeding up prototype development and helping to get your products to market faster.

This article highlights how an efficient knowledge management system had helped a client to

  1. improve their productivity,
  2. accelerate training of new members of the R&D team,
  3. and increase their intellectual property value.

Customized automated data processing tools and the ability to cross reference various sources of information allowed the client to organically maintain a dossier of its research and prototype development projects.

Customized solutions are necessary for each R&D department because the technology and scientific culture is unique to each group. In this case, we created software based on an open source web framework which granted the client the flexibility and freedom to modify the software to fit their future needs.

Here’s the full article: Can automation replace R&D?
